A worldwide catalogue of cushion plants
100 years after Hauri and Schröter

Click on the map to select a region

This website is associated to the publication : Aubert S, Boucher F, Lavergne S, Renaud J, Choler P (2014) 1914–2014: A revised worldwide catalogue of cushion plants 100 years after Hauri and Schröter. Alpine Botany 124(1) 59-70.

In the context of the paper, the authors are grateful to the following persons: Dr. Ihsan Al-Shehbaz at Missouri Botanical Garden (Brassicaceae), Dr. Richard Winkworth (NZ cushion plants), Jean-Louis Latil (Cactaceae), Pr Farideh Attar (thorny cushions of Iran and Afghanistan), Mireille Basile and Cristina Roquet for helping out with some database checkings and additions.