Kelleria lyallii(Hook. f.) Berggr.


Description:moss-like subshrub 5ch high, creeping and forming a dense mat, sometimes branching prolifically and forming a soft cushion (Heads 1990); Small cushion-forming, to 10cm in diameter. Leaves 2-3mm long, ovate oblong to triangular, ciliate with a terminal hai

Habitat:in montane to subalpine grassland and fellfield

Herbarium link:

Form of cushion F_M Intermediate beetween F & M types
Compactness 0 Hollow, with canopy gaps
Variability 1 Variability
Root system NA NA
Woodiness 2 Woody dwarf shrub
Thorniness 0 No
Succulence 0 No
Flowers 0 Flowers sessil

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