Description:Perennials; caudex branched, (woody, pulvinate-cespitose, forming hard, hemispherical mats, basal parts covered with persistent leaf bases);
Habitat:Pinyon-juniper com-munities on nearly barren outcrops of Todilto Limestone; of conservation concern; 2200-2400 m;
Form of cushion | TC_M | Intermediate beetweenT C & M types |
Compactness | 1 | Compact, hard (peat-accumulating) |
Variability | 0_1 | Intermediate |
Root system | P | Single pivotal root |
Woodiness | 1 | Woody at base |
Thorniness | 0 | No |
Succulence | 0 | No |
Flowers | 0 | Flowers sessil |