Colobanthus muscoidesHook.f.


Description:Plant forming deep cushions up to many cm. across; branches many, us. close, lfy throughout their length, which may reach 5 cm. or more. Adventitious rootsamongst old leaf-bases, binding lower parts of cushion into peat-forming mass. Lvs fleshy, closely s

Habitat:common in coastal areas, where it forms extensive mats in bog communities and grows as cushions on peat, rock and sand in the sea spray zone

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Form of cushion C Hemispherical (dome shaped) cushion
Compactness 1 Compact, hard (peat-accumulating)
Variability 0 No variability
Root system P Single pivotal root
Woodiness 0 Herbaceaous
Thorniness 0 No
Succulence 0 No
Flowers 0 Flowers sessil
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