Colobanthus strictus(Cheeseman) Cheeseman


Description:plants forming cushion or mat several cm across (Allan); Plants forming tufts, clumps or small cushions to several centimetres across. Leaves yellow-green, l-2cm in length or sometimes to 3cm, tapering to a slender almost needle-like tip

Habitat:mainly in the mountains in crevices, gravelly places and among tussock grasses, but sometimes near the sea

Herbarium link:

Form of cushion C_F Intermediate beetween C & F types
Compactness 0_1 Intermediate
Variability 1 Variability
Root system P Single pivotal root
Woodiness NA NA
Thorniness 0_1 Intermediate
Succulence 0 No
Flowers 0 Flowers sessil

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